‘L-Għeneb Qed Jiswied u Novelli Ohra’ comprises eleven acclaimed short stories which were written by novelist Carmel G. Cauchi in the 1960s. The stories reflect several social aspects including family and marriage elements.
Cauchi’s outstanding literary qualities were praised at the Konkors Letterarju Farsons in 1986. In fact the winning novel of the contest, L-Għeneb Qed Jiswied, christened this published collection of novels. The examiners noted as follows:
“L-eżaminaturi qablu unanimament li n-novella L-Għeneb Qed Jiswied tal-konkorrent li ffirma Dmugħ id-Dielja tingħata l-ewwel premju. Din il-kitba tinqata’ għalkollox mill-oħrajn. Hi ġrajja meħuda mill-ħajja ta’ kuljum, miktuba b’realiżmu ħaj, u bi stil letterarju ta’ livell għoli.” (Mir-Rapport tal-Ġurija, Konkors Letterarju Farsons imniedi mill-ġurnal “Il-ħajja” fl-1986. L-eżaminaturi kienu Dr Rena Balzan, Anton Grasso u John Sciberras.)
Hilary Spiteri illustrated the front cover. It represents a semi-abstract interpretation of a vine leaf as seen against the light.
To buy book L-Gheneb Qed Jiswied u Novelli Ohra
To buy book L-Gheneb Qed Jiswied u Novelli Ohra
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